The Fruitful seed

S.O.P 30th May 2020

Much of what we covered in School of Prophesy this week can be found in the article “The Cup and the Baptism

The bones of the meeting were this: Pentecost brings multiplication and fruitfulness through the power of the Holy Spirit. Fruitfulness comes from the seed that has “fallen to the ground and died” (John 12:24). We cannot expect the Holy Spirit to multiply the life of God through us unless we are dead to our carnal nature, but when we succeed in this – if “succeed” is the right word! – the life that is in us becomes life-giving for others.

We also considered some of the material covered in the article “He loved them to the End” – Jesus removed His outer garment to demonstrate Love to the disciples by washing their feet. Our outer garment represents our self-image, our status – everything that covers our flesh, in fact. We cannot love one another unless we remove it. It’s only when we do love one another that we fulfill the “new commandment” (John 13: 34-34); unless we keep His word we do not stay in the vine; and unless we stay in the vine we do not bear fruit and bring glory to the Father (John 15:8).

After Jesus was arrested He was dressed in a purple robe and given a crown of thorns. Our authority (the purple robe) in Christ comes with a crown of thorns. If we try and exercise authority in the prophetic without the crown of thorns we can become proud and arrogant; if we maintain our humility but forget that we speak “as the oracles of God” (1 Pe 4:11) we deliver the word of the Lord without power.

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